Aaaaaaaaaand we're back! I know it's been ages since the last post. C'est la vie, you know?
Anyway, I've recently jumped into my childhood and sampled the S'mores pop-tarts. What a throw back!
Growing up, this was far and away my favorite flavor (probably because it was such a rare treat). Any trip to the grocery store with Mom was inevitably peppered with something along the lines of, "Ooh, Mom, Mom, Mom! Pleeease can we get these??" Wisely, she rarely caved, but when she did we were ecstatic.
All of that nostalgia aside, S'mores pop-tarts have lost some of their glimmer over the years. I still enjoy them from time to time, but their not quite tops in my book. Here's why:
The Crust: Unlike most pop-tarts, S'mores are made with a "graham cracker" crust. This is one of the reasons that they don't really taste all that good cold. The crust is far too dry. It's better toasted, but after a few second of toasty softness, the crust gets quite hard. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of this phenomenon.
The Filling: The chocolate and marshmallow filling of S'more is actually pretty good (hot or cold). No complaints here.
The Icing: I'm not gonna lie, this icing reminds me a great deal of the powder used to make instant hot cocoa. In my book, that is not a plus. It just tastes very...manufactured and not much like real chocolate to me.
Overall, S'mores are still a pretty solid choice for your pop-tart needs (assuming you can get past the crust issue). Certainly worth giving it a try!
Bon apetit!