First off, thanks to Kelly for that inspiring post about the Confetti Cupcake Pop-tart. I am eagerly anticipating the day that I get to try it!
In other news...
Seriously, Clare? How can you be so wrong about something and still be my sister? I will never understand your complete lack of taste when it comes to the more subtle flavors of the cinnamon roll pop-tart.
Cinnamon Roll has so many of the things that I love about BSC in lighter, slightly less sweet ways. I am not saying that Cinnamon Roll in anyway surpasses BSC. I am, however, saying that Cinnamon Roll offers a lighter fare for those days when you just want a slightly less sweet treat to break up the sugar overload that it this project.
I love pop-tarts, I always have, but in the sea of the sugary sweet, I greatly appreciated the Cinnamon Roll pop-tart. It still had plenty of sugar, but they took the icing down a notch and both toasted and un-toasted it was quite nice.
So, ignoring the haters *cough* Clare *cough*, I encourage you all to try the Cinnamon Roll pop-tart as soon as your heart desires.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
1 - Confetti Cupcake | Kelly
I decided that my first review would be on whatever flavor of Pop-Tarts caught my eye upon first glance of the Pop-Tart section in the breakfast aisle.
Confetti Cupcake it is!!
Am I really surprised? No. I have an infamous sweet tooth, and it showed it's true colors for this experiment.
It was about 8 o'clock at night when I purchased these, but did that stop me from ripping open the box the second I got into my apartment?! HECK NO, BROTHA (or SISTA!)
Here's a glimpse of what the Pop-Tart looks like if you don't trust the image on the box.... TRUST NO ONE... except this picture because I took it myself..
NO, the answer is that I could NOT wait to take the picture before biting into this bad boy. I HAVE ZERO SELF CONTROL, PEOPLE.
Anyway, it looks quite cupcake-y so points for that, Pop-Tart Peeps.
I toasted one and ate the other regular. The regular Pop-Tart was okay... I can't explain why it wasn't awesome. The flavor was good but the texture seemed too thick or cookie-like. I'm honestly not sure what I was expecting. But it wasn't bad at all... I would eat this everyday if I could. Straight up. Cold. Regular. Raw. Because I'm hardcore, and that's what hardcore people do.
And as for the toasted one...
[Hey there, little fella...]
Seriously.... I LOVED IT!
You should all take into account, however, that my sweet tooth knows no bounds. I have never encountered something that was too sweet for me. NEVER.
That being said, the toasted version of this baby tastes very similar to what a typical cupcake might taste like with a hint of batter.
So the big question was does this Cupcake Confetti Pop-Tart take the gold? Well, IT'S THE ONLY DANG FLAVOR I HAVE TRIED IN THE CHALLENGE!
Ha! SOOOOOOOOOO..... the rankings go.... *drum roll*
1. Cupcake Confetti
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Flavor #4: Cinnamon Roll
Now that I am venturing out deeper into the pop-tart world, this is endeavor becoming much more exciting! Cinnamon Roll is the second pop-tart that I have never tried before. Very excited, I put both in the toaster this time (yup, I'm a rebel) and anxiously await the popping of this new pop-tart.
I get my milk and take my first bite. Time seems to freeze in this moment and I...
Yuck. I seriously do not like this pop-tart at all.
First of all, I was a little wary of trying a cinnamon roll pop-tart when I already love brown sugar cinnamon so much, but this pop-tart didn't even come close. And it tasted nothing like a cinnamon roll! If it did, I would've liked it.
And here's why...
There's like no icing on this pop-tart. I mean, there's even less on it than this stupid inaccurate picture.

Had the top been covered in icing (like most pop-tarts) I may have liked it more, but the inside still tasted weird to me and the entire pop-tart was dry and not very sweet at all.
Crust? yeah no
Icing? WHAT ICING???
Filling? *thumbs down*
Milk? Sure, if you don't want it to taste like paper.
Toasted? Its a pop-tart for heaven's sake
Overall score: 3
I can't wait to see what Therese has to say because she liked this pop-tart. (and that's Therese with a "thhha", by the way)
Good luck (seriously good luck, this pop-tart was gross) and may the odds be ever in your flavor.
I get my milk and take my first bite. Time seems to freeze in this moment and I...
Yuck. I seriously do not like this pop-tart at all.
First of all, I was a little wary of trying a cinnamon roll pop-tart when I already love brown sugar cinnamon so much, but this pop-tart didn't even come close. And it tasted nothing like a cinnamon roll! If it did, I would've liked it.
And here's why...
There's like no icing on this pop-tart. I mean, there's even less on it than this stupid inaccurate picture.
Had the top been covered in icing (like most pop-tarts) I may have liked it more, but the inside still tasted weird to me and the entire pop-tart was dry and not very sweet at all.
Crust? yeah no
Icing? WHAT ICING???
Filling? *thumbs down*
Milk? Sure, if you don't want it to taste like paper.
Toasted? Its a pop-tart for heaven's sake
Overall score: 3
I can't wait to see what Therese has to say because she liked this pop-tart. (and that's Therese with a "thhha", by the way)
Good luck (seriously good luck, this pop-tart was gross) and may the odds be ever in your flavor.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Flavor #3: Wildlicious Wild Strawberry
I had high hopes for this pop-tart since Therese said it was one of the best. So the next morning I popped one in the toaster and left the other one cool, hoping to enjoy the sweet sensation of another great pop-tart.
Whoa now...unlike Therese, I did not like the pop-tart cold at all. It was chewy and the icing tasted hard and funky. However, it did turn my milk pink which was kinda cool.
As far as toasted goes...YUMMY! This wild strawberry pop-tart has the strawberry zing I wanted to taste so much in the original strawberry. Needless to say, I think this pop-tart is a better choice over regular strawberry. Its really good.
And here's why...
Once toasted, everything kind of just melts together. The jelly tends to get really hot so I had to let mind cool for a bit, but the outside gets crispier and the inside gets softer. I don't even know if the pop-tart company realized they were doing this, but its amazing. Pop-tarts just generally taste better toasted.
Crust? still kinda powdery, but good nonetheless
Icing? Make sure its toasted, but SO GOOD. (your milk will turn pink and its fabulous)
Filling? 100% better than original strawberry
Milk? Great for dunking!
Toasted? There ain't no other way, child
Cold? BLEH
Overall score: 7
Can't wait to hear what you guys think!
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your flavor.
Whoa now...unlike Therese, I did not like the pop-tart cold at all. It was chewy and the icing tasted hard and funky. However, it did turn my milk pink which was kinda cool.
As far as toasted goes...YUMMY! This wild strawberry pop-tart has the strawberry zing I wanted to taste so much in the original strawberry. Needless to say, I think this pop-tart is a better choice over regular strawberry. Its really good.
And here's why...
Once toasted, everything kind of just melts together. The jelly tends to get really hot so I had to let mind cool for a bit, but the outside gets crispier and the inside gets softer. I don't even know if the pop-tart company realized they were doing this, but its amazing. Pop-tarts just generally taste better toasted.
Crust? still kinda powdery, but good nonetheless
Icing? Make sure its toasted, but SO GOOD. (your milk will turn pink and its fabulous)
Filling? 100% better than original strawberry
Milk? Great for dunking!
Toasted? There ain't no other way, child
Cold? BLEH
Overall score: 7
Can't wait to hear what you guys think!
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your flavor.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Announcing Wildlicious® Wild! Strawberry
Hold the phone! How is it that I have never tried this flavor before? Wildlicious® Wild! Strawberry has recently rocked my pop-tart-eating world. It's very much like Strawberry, but even better.
Un-toasted, it was delicious!
Toasted, it was even better! turns your milk pink!!!
I won't reveal where this one ranks in my pop-tart rankings until the very end, but it's definitely a contender.
The only real drawback to the Wildlicious® Wild! Strawberry pop-tart is that it's almost too sweet at the end.
Anyway, if you haven't tried it. Do.
Un-toasted, it was delicious!
Toasted, it was even better! turns your milk pink!!!
I won't reveal where this one ranks in my pop-tart rankings until the very end, but it's definitely a contender.
The only real drawback to the Wildlicious® Wild! Strawberry pop-tart is that it's almost too sweet at the end.
Anyway, if you haven't tried it. Do.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Pop-Tart Priming | Kelly
Hi, guys :)
I'm Kelly. A friend of Therese and Clare The Pop-Tart Queen and a fellow Pop-Tart enthusiast.
I'm excited to take this journey with you while discovering and highlighting the true, commendable art of the Pop-Tart.
While the fact that this is a sugary and quick form of breakfast is already enough for me, I am überly (not a word but YOLO) pumped to finally figure out once and for all which flavor is my #1 Top Favorite of All Time in the History of Pop-Tarts. That's an actual thing. Look it up. (Actually, don't..)
I am excited to go classic with Strawberry.
I am excited to go campside with S'mores.
I am excited to go wild with Wild Berry.
I am excited to party it up with Confetti Cake.
I am excited to do it all.
And how lucky am I that I get to try them all with you!?
There is one question I feel like I should answer for all of you who are on the fence about Pop-Tarts:
Are Pop-Tarts really breakfast?
Nay. They are the only breakfast.
See you guys soon. ;) Kelly
Friday, April 12, 2013
My Take on Strawberry
Well, folks, I know you've all been dying to know what I think about the strawberry pop-tart.
I've always been a fan of strawberry. Like BSC, it's a classic. I must admit that my opinion of strawberry has been pretty firmly fixed for some time. That said, I'll give it a proper review.
First off, I am inclined to agree with Clare, strawberry is not at its best toasted. I don't think it's because of the jelly - there are many jelly-filled pop-tarts that I enjoy toasted - but I'm not of the opinion that it works out well with strawberry.
However, strawberry makes a splendid snack un-toasted. I like to eat strawberry with or without milk. Strawberry pop-tarts have gotten me through many an all-nighter and many a rushed morning. Plus, I always feel a bit sentimental about strawberries because strawberry is my older sister's favorite flavor in many snacks.
I still prefer BSC, but if it can't be toasted, my next choice is often Strawberry.
What do you think?
I've always been a fan of strawberry. Like BSC, it's a classic. I must admit that my opinion of strawberry has been pretty firmly fixed for some time. That said, I'll give it a proper review.
First off, I am inclined to agree with Clare, strawberry is not at its best toasted. I don't think it's because of the jelly - there are many jelly-filled pop-tarts that I enjoy toasted - but I'm not of the opinion that it works out well with strawberry.
However, strawberry makes a splendid snack un-toasted. I like to eat strawberry with or without milk. Strawberry pop-tarts have gotten me through many an all-nighter and many a rushed morning. Plus, I always feel a bit sentimental about strawberries because strawberry is my older sister's favorite flavor in many snacks.
I still prefer BSC, but if it can't be toasted, my next choice is often Strawberry.
What do you think?
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Flavor #2: Strawberry
Just a heads up: I know that some of you are thinking "strawberry is the best", but that's highly debatable seeing as how we've already established that brown cinnamon sugar is pretty popular too. So, I think its a universal agreement that their both pretty fierce competitors. K? Cool?
My mom bought strawberry so that's why its next. (And now that I think about it, its good thing I'm doing this before I go to college because I can't pay for all these pop-tarts myself). I put one in the toaster and left the other one cold just for experimental purposes. I was pretty surprised to find that strawberry actually tastes pretty good cold. In fact, I think I liked it better! Something about the jelly being warm just didn't do it for me. The icing's good and I love strawberry flavored anything, but for some reason this pop-tart didn't really hit the spot.
And here's why: the crust is kinda powdery and the jelly gets waaay hot. But after letting it cool for a bit and taking a quick bath in milk, it was still pretty damn good. I don't really know how I feel about any jelly-filled thing being toasted/warm but it worked out ok. Still not as good as cinnamon (in my professional pop-tart opinion).
However, strawberry tastes really good cold...perhaps better than cinnamon does without the toaster. So if you need a pop-tart on the go, strawberry's a good choice. You'll still want milk though because milk's the bomb and pop-tarts just need milk.
Crust? meh
Icing? Super yum!
Filling? Gooey, but still good
Milk? Where would pop-tarts be without it?
Toasted? its alright
Cold? Magically delicious!
Overall score: 6
Can't wait to hear Therese's controversial response.
(I'm totally kidding. You write whatever you want sis!)
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your flavor.
My mom bought strawberry so that's why its next. (And now that I think about it, its good thing I'm doing this before I go to college because I can't pay for all these pop-tarts myself). I put one in the toaster and left the other one cold just for experimental purposes. I was pretty surprised to find that strawberry actually tastes pretty good cold. In fact, I think I liked it better! Something about the jelly being warm just didn't do it for me. The icing's good and I love strawberry flavored anything, but for some reason this pop-tart didn't really hit the spot.
And here's why: the crust is kinda powdery and the jelly gets waaay hot. But after letting it cool for a bit and taking a quick bath in milk, it was still pretty damn good. I don't really know how I feel about any jelly-filled thing being toasted/warm but it worked out ok. Still not as good as cinnamon (in my professional pop-tart opinion).
However, strawberry tastes really good cold...perhaps better than cinnamon does without the toaster. So if you need a pop-tart on the go, strawberry's a good choice. You'll still want milk though because milk's the bomb and pop-tarts just need milk.
Crust? meh
Icing? Super yum!
Filling? Gooey, but still good
Milk? Where would pop-tarts be without it?
Toasted? its alright
Cold? Magically delicious!
Overall score: 6
Can't wait to hear Therese's controversial response.
(I'm totally kidding. You write whatever you want sis!)
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your flavor.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Brown Sugar Cinnamon - My Review
Sorry for the delay in this review, no such pop-tart saving courtesy was extended to me, so I had to wait for the next box of pop-tarts to appear. Luckily for me, it was brown sugar cinnamon (BSC).
BSC has long since been one of my all time favorite pop-tart flavors. It's a simple classic, like vanilla ice cream. It does, however, have a few drawbacks.
For example, I have always found BSC pop-tarts too dry to eat un-toasted, even with milk. Un-toasted, it doesn't really absorb milk well and with no milk it's super dry. Not a huge plus in my book.
The other draw back for me is that BSC pop-tarts, even toasted, really need milk. It just completes the package.
So, in conclusion, with milk and toasted, BSC are a veritable dream of culinary joy. Without them...meh.
BSC has long since been one of my all time favorite pop-tart flavors. It's a simple classic, like vanilla ice cream. It does, however, have a few drawbacks.
For example, I have always found BSC pop-tarts too dry to eat un-toasted, even with milk. Un-toasted, it doesn't really absorb milk well and with no milk it's super dry. Not a huge plus in my book.
The other draw back for me is that BSC pop-tarts, even toasted, really need milk. It just completes the package.
So, in conclusion, with milk and toasted, BSC are a veritable dream of culinary joy. Without them...meh.
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