Friday, April 5, 2013

Brown Sugar Cinnamon - My Review

Sorry for the delay in this review, no such pop-tart saving courtesy was extended to me, so I had to wait for the next box of pop-tarts to appear.  Luckily for me, it was brown sugar cinnamon (BSC).

BSC has long since been one of my all time favorite pop-tart flavors.  It's a simple classic, like vanilla ice cream.  It does, however, have a few drawbacks.

For example, I have always found BSC pop-tarts too dry to eat un-toasted, even with milk.  Un-toasted, it doesn't really absorb milk well and with no milk it's super dry.  Not a huge plus in my book.

The other draw back for me is that BSC pop-tarts, even toasted, really need milk.  It just completes the package.

So, in conclusion, with milk and toasted, BSC are a veritable dream of culinary joy.  Without them...meh.

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