Friday, April 12, 2013

My Take on Strawberry

Well, folks, I know you've all been dying to know what I think about the strawberry pop-tart.

I've always been a fan of strawberry.  Like BSC, it's a classic.  I must admit that my opinion of strawberry has been pretty firmly fixed for some time.  That said, I'll give it a proper review.

First off, I am inclined to agree with Clare, strawberry is not at its best toasted.  I don't think it's because of the jelly - there are many jelly-filled pop-tarts that I enjoy toasted - but I'm not of the opinion that it works out well with strawberry.

However, strawberry makes a splendid snack un-toasted.  I like to eat strawberry with or without milk.  Strawberry pop-tarts have gotten me through many an all-nighter and many a rushed morning.  Plus, I always feel a bit sentimental about strawberries because strawberry is my older sister's favorite flavor in many snacks.

I still prefer BSC, but if it can't be toasted, my next choice is often Strawberry.

What do you think?

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