Now before we get on to the general review of this festive pop-tart, let me just take a moment to share something incredibly ridiculous that I have recently noticed about the marketing strategies of Kellogg's in regards to pop-tarts.
Check this out!
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Are they seriously trying to market this as a health food? I love pop-tarts as much as the next guy, but c'mon, people! These things are 400 calories. PER. PASTRY.
Anyone who is thinking that this might be considered a health food, is kidding themselves. But my question is, do they think that mom's are really buying this line? Do they think that a mother walking leisurely through the grocery store is going to see this this box and say, "Hmm. It says here that this is a great source of Calcium and of 4 B vitamins. I had better get this for my kids!"
Call me crazy, but I seriously struggle to see that happening.
Moving on.
The sugar cookie pop-tarts, have a special extra feature: printed holiday pictures!
Actually, I don't care about the holiday pictures at all, but I'm sure I would've when I was a little girl, so it's worth mentioning.
As the actual quality of flavor of these, it hits a home run. If you want sugar cookies, you got 'em! Not the overly rich, store-bought sugar cookies, but the homemade ones. I don't know if I would eat them regularly, because I just don't love sugar cookies that much, but they were really good.
I like them cold. I liked them toasted. I liked them with milk. I even liked them without milk.
And there, ladies and gentlemen, you have it!
Bon apetit!